Privacy policy

Guildford Chess Club (“the Club”) is a not-for-profit unincorporated members club promoting and engaging in chess. The Club is managed by a committee drawn from members. It runs and enters chess events for those members. Adults and children participate in our events and teams. Guildford Chess Club collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General

Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. We are responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.

Internal use

Your contact details (email and phone number) will be collected and shared with other members of the Club for the purposes of arranging games and communicating Club matters such as, but not limited to, matches and tournaments. A central list of members is managed by the Secretary of the club until you ask for its deletion (usually by email notification) at which point other members known to have such information will also be asked to delete it. The lawful basis to process your data in this manner is Legitimate Interest ensuring that the processing does not override your data protection interests or rights.

External use

A number of other organizations (listed below) may receive personal information about you from the Club in order to facilitate your memberships of these organizations and the operation of the club and to play chess. That personal information takes the form of contact details and information to identify you as required, rating reference, rating history and membership references, age and gender. These organizations, the Club and you have a legitimate interest in this processing of your information. You are referred to the data protection policies and privacy notices of these external organizations as to their processing of your personal data.

Who we may share your data with:

  1. The Club is affiliated to the Surrey County Chess Association (“SCCA”)
  2. The Club is affiliated to the Surrey Border Chess league (“Border League”)
  3. The English Chess Federation (“ECF”) receives information from the Club.
  4. From time to time – Other organizations (e.g. games hosted by online platforms and internal competitions for individuals run by the Club hosted by online platforms).
  5. Chessable. Certain competitions are sponsored by Chessable, who offer prizes. These are optional but require the sharing of personal information as a condition of entry for which you would be notified separately about upon entry.

The national and international rating databases together with our results archive and the archives of organizations in whose competitions our teams participate in are kept in the wider public interest of having national and international systems to measure and record performance (including by reference to age and gender) as well as keeping a statistical historical record of chess played. Public interest also applies to the storage and archiving of historical over the board and online games (and results) by the organizations involved (often platforms).

Those who play in our competitions or for our teams have a legitimate interest and an expectation that:

  1. their names and, if necessary for eligibility purposes, some birth information, with the names of their opponents will be passed to the relevant External Organisations along with the games and results of their chess games (and usernames for relevant online competitions) either directly or through the organisers of the events our teams enter;
  2. external Organisations will supply information to us and leagues about participants from their ratings database, including name, rating, rating reference and membership number.

Transfer of your information out of the EEA

We will not transfer your personal data outside of the EEA or to any organisation (or subordinate bodies) governed by public international law or which is set up under any agreement between two or more countries.

How long your personal information will be kept

We retain personal data we collect for as long as necessary for the purposes for which the personal data was collected or where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal data, we will either securely destroy, erase or delete your data.

For information on your rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on individuals' rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Guildford Chess Club aim to resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information. For all queries and concerns please contact

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this privacy notice from time to time, and when we do, we will update the online policy and inform you via the AGM process.