What's on this month
Monday 11 September
The club’s AGM took place with the election of club officers (including team captains) and various trophies were awarded. This is the only Monday meeting night of the year when we meet and don’t actually play chess!
Saturday 16 September
We will be running our annual stall in the High Street (outside Holy Trinity Church) from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Please turn up for a friendly game or to chat to club members about what the club does.
Monday 18 September
There will be a rapidplay tournament (each player has 30 minutes or less for all their moves) for club members and those interested in joining. Expect to play 3 (or possibly 4) games of chess.
In addition we will be offering two separate sessions of instruction to beginners or players who wish to improve their chess. The beginners session is the first we have run and will cover how the chess pieces move, how games can finish, simple tactics to win your opponent’s pieces and simple checkmates followed by practice against other beginners. The improvers group caters for adults of all ages who know the moves and want to improve. Sessions now include teaching by acclaimed chess coach IM Andrew Martin on a regular basis together with other group activities aimed at learning together. The ethos is informal, discussion is encouraged, and lots of chess is played.
Both the instruction sessions are free to all but if you want to come please book a place by emailing membership@guildfordchess.org.uk to ensure we have enough equipment ready. All these activities start at 7.30pm or very soon afterwards – please arrive promptly.
Monday 25 September
Matches against other clubs commence with a 10-board home match versus Epsom in the Alexander Cup (the Surrey League’s knockout competition) plus another chance for members to play games against each other.
Thursday 28 September
The first away fixture of the season as Guildford E play Woking C in Division 5 of the Surrey Border League.